Common defense zone classification and its definition in building intercom system

Today's building intercom products, whether analog systems or digital systems, generally include a zone control function. This article briefly summarizes the type of defense zone and related knowledge.

The common defense zones of the alarm system include access zones, immediate defense zones, internal defense zones, and 24-hour defense zones.

Access zone:

Also known as delay defense zone, the system will provide a certain time delay time for the access defense zone after deployment. After the delay time expires, it will trigger the delay zone defense system alarm. When the delay zone is triggered upon entry, the controller will beep during the entry delay time. As a warning signal for disarming the system, the system must be disarmed within the set delay time. Otherwise, it will alarm. This zone type is suitable for the user's entry/exit keyboard.

Instant zone:

Alarm triggered immediately after the system is armed, there is no delay time.

Internal zone:

After the system is armed, if the access zone is triggered before the internal zone is triggered, the internal zone will also enter the delay state and will not alarm immediately. The delay time of the zone is the same as the access zone.

If an internal zone is triggered before the access zone is triggered, the system will immediately report an alarm. This zone type is suitable for the user to manipulate the keyboard, such as detectors installed in the entrance, lounge or hall.

It is suitable for preventing intrusion in the hall before attempting to arm the system or attempting not to enter or leave the defense area.

Surrounding area:

For external doors and/or windows, alarms are issued immediately when the zone is triggered.

24-hour defense area:

Not affected by arming and disarming, the zone is triggered to alarm immediately.

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