It is best not to use plastic cups? Huge harm

Plastic cups are cheap, not afraid of falling, and are very popular among office workers. However, experts remind that it is best not to use plastic cups in the office.

In addition to some chemicals, plastic cups are prone to bacteria. Although the plastic surface appears to be smooth, there are actually many voids that are easy to hide. In the office, most people wash the cups with only clear water, and the cups are not thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Experts suggest that the office should be cleaned daily with a stainless steel cup or glass. It is best to use detergent and rinse with hot water.

In addition, the cup is affected by static electricity such as computers and chassis, and it will absorb more dust, bacteria, and germs. It will affect health after a long time. To this end, experts suggest that it is best to give the cup a cover, and not to be close to the computer and other electrical appliances, usually should keep indoor air circulation.

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