Qijia Netizen 24,000 Achieves 100-Flat Fresh, Simple Two-Bedroom House

Netizen’s reflection: After many years of buying a house, they finally decided to buy this house next year. Only after the house arrived, did they think of the decoration. I had no experience before, and I didn't know where to look for a decoration company. Which company was doing more practically, so I went to find my colleagues who had installed it and learned about this good place. So I continued to read some posts online and I didn’t have time. When you compare carefully, you just feel it, and you end up with a ten-mile incense.

[building surface] 100.48

[Use area] 75

[Decoration budget] small half package 24000

[Decoration style] modern and simple

[Designer] Hu Jun + Assistant Huang Jing

[Start date] 2009-10-18

On the first day of work, Master Dong was cutting the wall, and the second door had been shaped.

The living room is slotted, with a row of sockets on the ground, and the slot is quite beautiful.

Brand shop: to pure decoration Jingjie decoration

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