The toy wars are messy and the hot moms are changing

The admission of toys is indeed annoying to many novice parents, because the newly-arranged toys may recover clutter in a matter of moments. If the baby still has established the habit of finishing, this mess will last longer. If you have enough supplies for storage, and the classification is clear, your child will form a good habit of unconsciousness.

In the children's room, several storage baskets are indispensable. Different types of toys are categorized into different categories. The choice of storage baskets is also an important issue, and we must consider the safety and environmental protection of materials.

This room is really big enough, and the bigger the room is, the more difficult it is to pack it up. If the toys are still everywhere, it really is a headache. If you can design some storage cabinets on the wall, everything will be simple.

Solid wood cabinets are the first choice for children to receive products. The first thing is that because of the environmental protection of solid wood cabinets, the amount of formaldehyde released is also minimal, and it has a hidden protective effect on children's health.

This is a shoe bench, but also a toy storage box, such a storage box can be moved, can change the position at any time, buy a shoe bench with such a multi-use very peace of mind.

When a child sees a storage box like a push-pull box, he must be delighted. Prepare children with several storage boxes of different colors and capacities. Let him organize his own toys and cultivate his good habits. .

Home storage home storage DIY space storage

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We mainly produce white & Black Pom acetal delrin sheet, including ESD sheet, and also supporting custom cutting size.

Applications :

• Various precision machine parts,gears,rollers,brackets,Pom Rod Sheet,and liners

• Insulated products,such as electric and electronic semiconductors

• Wear plates of various slider

• Impeller,screws,wheels

• Food-processing machine parts


Key Features :

• Highly mechanic and strong in terms of heat and electricity

• Highly fatigue-resistant and crip-resistant

• Yields little friction,highly wear -resistant,and magnetic-lubricating

• Highly resistant to various chemicals(highly alkaline-resistant ),heat,and water

• Easily processed using machine and yields products of even sizes


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