In 2012, the steel industry has mixed feelings

Abstract The China Iron and Steel Association announced on January 31 that the “reports” of the steel industry in 2012 were mixed. On the one hand, the country's crude steel output was 716.54 million tons, an increase of 3.1%. China Steel Association members of the company produce crude...
China Iron and Steel Industry Association released the "reports" of the steel industry in 2012 on January 31, which is mixed.

On the one hand, the country's crude steel output was 716.54 million tons, an increase of 3.1%. The China Iron and Steel Association members produced 585.05 million tons of crude steel, down 0.6% year-on-year. Its “control production” measures achieved certain results; the non-member enterprises of China Steel Association produced 124.79 million tons of crude steel, up 24.8% year-on-year. On the other hand, the national fixed assets investment in the steel industry was 658.4 billion yuan, up 2.97% year-on-year. The growth rate was 12.54 percentage points lower than that in 2011. However, the total investment in the industry is still very large, and the newly added production capacity is bound to increase the pressure of current overcapacity.

In 2012, China's steel industry has experienced difficulties that have never been seen in the new century. “Insufficient market demand, excessive production capacity and a sharp drop in steel prices have made the steel industry extremely difficult,” said Zhang Changfu, vice president and secretary general of the China Iron and Steel Association.

The “cold winter” of the steel industry is chilling, with short-term and long-term problems, and it exposes the contradictions between the surface and the deep.

It is understood that in the main steel industry last year, the railway transportation industry completed investment increased by only 2.4% year-on-year; the road transportation industry completed investment growth of 6.6%, down 3.2 percentage points; the national real estate development investment growth rate fell by 11.7 percentage points; the shipbuilding industry three major The indicators completed the shipbuilding completion volume decreased by 21.45%, the new orders received decreased by 43.65%, and the hand-held orders decreased by 28.66%.

Zhang Changfu said that the downstream industry lacks demand and the production capacity is too large. The contradiction between oversupply in the steel market is very prominent. Steel sales are extremely difficult and prices have fallen sharply, which has further intensified competition among enterprises.

At the same time, the “weird phase” of the steel industry has intensified. The low price of steel, the price of imported iron ore remains high, consuming the meager profits of steel companies. “Steel companies purchase imported iron ore to become a high-risk game, and many companies are losing money because they don’t have the right to step on the spot.” Zhang Changfu told reporters.

It is understood that from late December last year to mid-January this year, the price of imported iron ore rose from 115 US dollars / ton to 159 US dollars / ton, an increase of 38%, calculated according to 1.6 tons of iron ore per ton of steel production, equivalent The cost of steel per ton rose by 422 yuan, while the price of steel in the domestic market only rose by 106 yuan / ton.

In addition, the iron and steel enterprises are in a tight budget, and the financing difficulties and financing status have not changed. In the extremely difficult situation of the steel industry, high tax burdens and unreasonable local charges have further increased the burden on enterprises. It is understood that the increase in taxes on mineral resources has led to an increase in corporate tax burden. In some places, in order to ensure that taxes are not reduced, steel companies are also taxed ahead of schedule. Last year, members of the China Steel Association paid a tax of 89.964 billion yuan, while the actual tax payment was 98.018 billion yuan. “In January and February last year, the whole industry suffered losses, and July and August were the most difficult times.” Qu Xiuli, deputy secretary-general of China Steel Association, said that since late September last year, steel prices began to pick up, and last quarter’s operations Get better and achieve a turnaround.

According to statistics, there were 23 accumulative loss companies last year, with a loss of 28.75%. The employees of China Steel Association realized a profit of 1.581 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 98.22%.

Zhang Changfu said that the operating environment of the steel industry is expected to be better than last year, and steel demand will increase, but the difficulties and challenges cannot be underestimated.

Sinosteel said that it will further strengthen industry operation testing and industry self-discipline, and regulate sales behavior. At the same time, continue to promote the iron ore spot trading platform to promote fair trade.

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